Jan 2016 - Today
Jan 2011 - Dec 2014
Telecommunications and digital media engineer
Development of a dozen websites for several artists
- Development of the website of the 20th century's famous portrait painter Édouard Mac Avoy: https://mac-avoy.com.
- Development of the cyclist tour of Spain: https://la-vuelta.com.
- Development of a violin website: https://violon.org.
- Development of a violin chinrest manufacturer’s websites: https://mentonniere.com, https://mentonnieres.com, https://violin-chinrest.com.
- Development of the Olympia Big Band’s website: https://olympiabigband.com, of concerts: https://jazzaparc.com, https://violonis.com, https://jazz-violin.com and https://violonjazz.com.
- And https://velo-ideal.com (forgiven site in 2021), https://veloideal.com.
- Creation of the Violonis Centre Stéphane Grappelli YouTube channel with six videos.
- Management of the domain name registrars of the company, the enterprise email addresses, management of the Web Server, PHP, RDBMS and the VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting systems.
- Management of the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
- Installation of the network monitoring platform.
- Development of the back office.
- Design and implementation of the backup strategy.
Telecommunications and digital media engineer
Development of a search engine by hashtags, city, user, dates, and other parameters to collect photos of the Instagram social network for media publishers
- Benchmarks of the Web server.
- Creation of the network architecture layout.
- Development of an automatic system to daily backup all the shell commands by all developers on all the production platform systems and on all the test platform systems.
- Installation of the Windows environment.
- To look up the MySQL Workbench software alternative.
- Scala debugging.
- Development of the geo-tagged section with Google API with Chrome and JavaScript.
- Development of the back office.
- Creation of the Wiki sections principally about git and MySQL.
- Management of all DNS records with the domain name registrar and the emailing enterprise architecture.
Software engineer
Software development and hotline
- Invoices computer data exchange between the wholesale sea-fish merchant Valmarée and Carrefour using the B-Process company technology.
- Computer data exchange between transporters and their customer Imbretex (an import-export company).
- Support of 260 garages in Brittany with Sage accounting and Sage Cogestib I’Car invoicing and payment.
- Development of accounting, payment (DADSU) and invoicing, stock management software.
Network manager
Support for the network’s ministry during winter holidays
- Configuration of all networking and security equipment.
- Network deployment.
- Issues fixes.
- Revision of the network architecture plan.
System administrator
Maintenance of the infrastructure
- Third level support of printers in metropolitan France.
- Virtualization using VMware.
- Windows and Unix systems administration.
security engineer
Creation of evaluation targets
- Evaluation of ciphering software under Windows and Linux following the Common Criteria (ISO 15408 recommendation).
security engineer
Ensuring the security of 46 hospitals in Paris
- Opening of VPN accesses to allow doctors to connect externally to applications in their hospital.
- Management of the Web proxy cache.
Network manager
Ensuring company network security
- Migration from Frame Relay to MPLS with the dynamic routing protocol OSPF (LAN) and BGP4 (WAN).
- Configuration of firewalls, routers and switches.
Alcatel-Lucent becoming Nokia
Jan 2007 - Feb 2007
Network manager
Ensuring of security of Alcatel-Lucent’s network in Belgium
- Migration of the network Ethernet 10BASET to Ethernet 100BASET.
- VoIP support.
May 2006 - Oct 2006
Internship as a multimedia project manager
Development of an e-commerce website
- Development of an auction and reverse auction website to rent three and four-star hotel rooms in Paris for an American clientele, using Java/J2EE.
- Development of the back-office website for the hotel owners.
- Reverse Engineering to make the UML class diagram and the entity/relation plan of databases with Poseidon and a Poseidon plugin within Eclipse.
Network manager
Market survey of network monitoring platforms
- Installation and testing of different network monitoring platforms.
Network architect
Maintenance of the funinfo WAP portal (ex vizzavi)
- Opening of data flows on two platforms of 300 network, system and security equipment.
- Project management on several projects.
Network manager
Maintenance of the call centre platform network for 0800 commercial numbers in France
- Revision of the network architecture plan.
- Installation of a backup robot with its software to daily save 40 miscellaneous clusters.
- Project management on the network monitoring platform.
Network manager
Maintenance and deployment of the network of the French Prime ministerial services
- Implementation of the network monitoring platform.
- Implementation of data flow traffics monitoring with MRTG.
- Migration of the 10/100 Ethernet network towards the 100/1000 Ethernet network.
- Creation and development of an intranet Web server.
security engineer
Implementation of security architecture for the Nantes site - Stock exchange department, 1200 employees
- Implementation of the systems with their security products.
- Operating Systems hardening.
- Writing of specific technical documentation for operations.
- Transfer of competence.
R and D engineer
To approve the feasibility of the new commercial offer in high availability
- Design and testing of the solution.
Project manager
Second level LAN support
- Evolution of network technologies.
- Equipment network monitoring.
- Management of three technicians (two to the network and one to the system).
Project manager
Project management on the network monitoring platform
- Cartography with the offset of maps within each building to enable alerts for the network operators.
Telecommunications engineer
Second level support of WAN
- Development of a software using the C language of the SNMP library of the Carnegie Mellon University to realise a dashboard based on the information sent by the SNMP agent from a Cisco 4000 router with its private MIB (IP Accounting) to monitor the national X.25 network (Rétipac) data flow traffic of the SNCF.
- Network design before its migration from X.25 towards Frame Relay.
Network manager
Responsibility for the company computer system
- Conception and application of the intranet and Internet computer system.
- Management of file servers (NTFS), Windows NT Server (DHCP,WINS, PDC, BDC), Web server, DNS, firewall, RMON probes.
- Application of the computer system’s backup strategy.
- Migration from Ethernet 10BASET (HUBs) to Ethernet 100BASET (switches).
- Deployment of the network with routers and leased lines on four remote sites with static routing.
- Conception and project management of the Internet access with two ISPs linked by a dynamic WAN routing protocol (BGP4).
- Application of the international emailing system.
- Management of three engineers (one for the backups, a second for the electronic emailing and a third for the network).
RCE becoming CS Telecom and now CS
Apr 1996 - Jul 1996
Software development engineer
Development of the dynamic LAN routing protocol RIPv2 in a high throughput X.25 (8 Mbps) switch encapsulating TCP/IP
- Addition of the dynamic LAN routing protocol RIPv2 (RFC1058) in a high throughput X.25 switch.
- Embedded technology: development in the C programming language of the dynamic LAN routing protocol RIPv2 optimised by Transpac (becoming Orange Business Services).
Software development engineer
Development of the Vitale smart card project (health smart card)
- Development of a programming language to code the unit tests (work in pairs).
- Studies, specification and development of around 300 functional tests for three smart card readers (Monetel, Schlumberger et BULL CP8 Transac) (work in pairs).
- Tests of the Bull CP8 Transac smart card reader.
Digital Equipment Corporation becoming Compaq and now HP
Dec 1995
Software development engineer
Ensuring timely application of an IT system for a customer of DEC
- Application of a network monitoring platform over 650 remote sites.
- Development of monitoring templates on Digital Unix in shell sending SNMP traps to the network monitoring platform.
Experdata-TRT-Philips becoming CS Telecom and now CS
Oct 1994 - Oct 1995
R and D engineer
Test and validation of network infrastructure equipment (BR 3000 and BR 3002 projects, LMX/MCX switches and Ethernet HUBs)
- Development and testing of bridges/routers, HUBs and switches around LANs technologies (Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI) and WANs technologies (ATM PDH 34 Mbps, X.25, ISDN, CBDS/SMDS).
- Development in the C programming language under Unix of tools to test benchmarks of the equipment throughput.
Internship as an R and D engineer
Development of a gateway
- Development of a TCP/IP protocol analyser in the security field (Ethernet, RARP, IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP, FTP).
- Development of a sender and recorder of Ethernet frames.
- Creation of an Ethernet frame editor.
MG2 Technologies becoming NetCentrex and Comverse and finally Mavenir
Sep 1992 - Dec 1992
Internship as an R and D engineer
Development of software intended to build Minitel (equivalent to Prestel in UK) servers
- Redo of the man-machine interface with Curses of a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software allowing designing Videotex (Teletext) pages.
- Redo of the man-machine interface with Curses of a software allowing the display of Minitel pages sequence management under the MG2 Bus server under Unix.
April 1991 - May 1991
Internship as an analyst programmer
COBOL programming on mainframe
- Development of management software in COBOL on mainframe for the SACD (Société des Auteurs Compositeurs Dramatiques), the SCPP (Société Civile des Producteurs de Phonogrammes), the ADAMI (ADministration des Droits des Artistes, Musiciens, Interprètes), the SPEDIDAM (Société de PErception et de DIstribution des Droits des Artistes Interprètes de la Musique et de la danse), the SPRE (Société Pour la Rémunération Équitable), the GREGIS (GRoupement d'Étude pour la Gestion Informatisée des Salles de spectacle).